Season One

River River

Episode 26: Embracing Uncertainty

Uncertainty is a part of life, yet we seek to avoid it through a variety of mechanisms. River shares a couple of reasons why not knowing feels uncomfortable for most people, and that "leaning into" uncertainty is a learned skill (just like patience)—as well as a golden key for becoming free.

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River River

Episode 25: Altruism and Your Brain

“Change your brain, change your life," is what River says to clients in his holistic coaching program. Beyond the steps and process of how to set the stage for neurogenesis and increasing neuroplasticity, something fascinating happens related to brain frequencies when we practice altruism. Ready to change your brain?

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River River

Episode 24: Patience & Presence

River frequently points out that most people are creating their own suffering through their thoughts and beliefs, and that the same is true with impatience and entitlement. What if you dropped your agenda? And what if you're precisely where meant to be in every moment, and this minute is exactly as it needs to be, like it or not? Let’s get radical.

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River River

Episode 23: Just Say Yes

Most people are creating their own suffering and keeping themselves stuck. What if your life instead could be one of alignment and flow? River offers that the role of challenges is to propel one's evolution, and shares the secret to getting free of what limits us.

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River River

Episode 22: Redefining Success

River explores what it means to be someone who creates publicly and the risk involved with that—especially in a world of critics. Our mainstream notions of success are all based on external validation, but true success, like happiness and contentment, is an inside job. Looking beyond the ego, what is it to be a success as a human being?

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River River

Episode 21: Trusting the Body

For almost 30 years, River has been an "embodiment guide"—helping others learn to access the somatic wisdom of their bodies. As a paradigm shift, he suggests the best source of guidance for life is your own body. And he outlines how learning to trust our intuitive, sensing way of knowing is its own evolutionary journey.

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River River

Episode 20: Conscious Relationship

River shares a visionary, 3-stage model of relationship in this deeply personal and powerful episode. Beginning from a baseline—where most relationships are—to a higher level of awareness, wherein committed partners understand their relationship is about something more than happiness, but rather transformation. And from there, to a third, even higher level of awareness: relationship as the spiritual path to unconditional love.

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River River

Episode 19: Are You Relevant?

The desire to belong and for approval are deep-rooted human desires, yet in our modern age of high visibility via the Internet and social media, increasingly people want to be relevant. Even with thousands of followers, do we actually matter in any lasting way? In the bigger view, say, looking at Earth from space, what's truly relevant? Maybe it's much simpler and more personal than you might think!

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River River

Episode 18: The Illusion of Time

Spiraling into 2024, a new calendar year, River shares both an ancient & mystical perception of time as an illusion, as well as the emergent theories of quantum mechanics that propose the same idea—essentially, time doesn't exist! How can this be? And how does it relate to self-awareness? Tune in and find out!

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River River

Episode 17: Be the Light

As light returns with the winter solstice, River extends the invitation to be a light in the world—a potential each of us carries within—to inspire and uplift others. As he asks his clients: what if the purpose of life is simply to be the most radiant, luminous being you can be, for no other purpose than simply being alive?

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River River

Episode 16: Book Launch – “Where Two Worlds Touch”

River's new, genre-defying book has arrived, and he shares a bit of its curious backstory and long road to publication. A journey into vulnerability and risking it all, while reaching for the transpersonal—that which ultimately connects us—to make an offering of goodness and beauty in the world.

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River River

Episode 15: Radical Simplicity

What if more isn't the road to happiness? And what if doing less is actually the key to a greater sense of well-being, an increased sense of nourishment, and the ability to thrive? River says, “life isn't that complicated but we make it so ... and actually, there's only this moment.” What might radical simplicity look like? Tune in and find out!

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River River

Episode 14: Work Your Gratitude

A longtime "embodiment guide," River shares how to take gratitude beyond just a mental practice—instead bringing it into the body on a cellular level through a powerful exercise—bridging into realms of epigenetics, quantum healing, and vibrant wellness. If you think you're already good with gratitude, or maybe that it's an overworked cliché, check out this episode for a radical paradigm shift!

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River River

Episode 13: The Path of Genius

What if your life—everyone's life—is guided by a larger, mysterious and creative force for an unfathomable purpose? And what if learning to trust that mystery is more than a "path of golden keys," as River puts it, but actually the path of genius?

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